Greetings, I am Reika, the humble hostess of this small portion of the tangled sprawl that is known as the web. Like many others who have created their own little spaces, I'm going to inflict my personal interests upon you, my visitor. *G*
However, I certainly hope you enjoy your brief stay here, and perhaps find something of interest to you.
Some of my interests include:
Roleplaying (mainly Shadowrun, but I'm also fond of AD&D (including the new 3rd edition D&D) Werewolf: The Apocalypse. Though I have played other systems, and am always willing to learn a new system. :)
Renaissance Faires (I'll eventually get pictures up...eventually *g* )
Assorted science-fiction and fantasy....stuff (as if you couldn't figure that out already!) including writing stories.
Hopefully, I'll be posting stuff, but being the generally lazy person I am, updates won't be all that frequent.
9-10-00 Well a minor miracle occured this weekend. I was actually feeling productive, first I completely revamped my page on the 8th, now I'm doing updates. Anyway, I actually put in some links in my link section, and put in a couple of bits in the RPG section.
11-5-00 Yes, I know, haven't done much on my page lately (aside from relocating from Geocities to 50megs), but to make up for that I'm putting in an whole new section. Yup, that's right, I get to inflict some of the jewelery pieces I've made upon my visitors! *eg* Hope you like. :)
Roleplaying stuff
RennFaire bits
Jewelery Stuffs
Links (after all....what page would be complete without links?!)
This site looks equally hideous in both Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer. Sorry, don't have any other browsers, so visitors beware.
I can be reached at